The NormaLeah Ovarian Center Initiative in downtown Rock Island is on a mission to save women’s lives through empowerment and education.
On Saturday, January 25, they are adding some tasty refreshments to the mix with their 9th Annual Cocoa & Cookies Open House. The event runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at their new address, 1614 2nd Avenue, next door to their previous location.
Cocoa & Cookies is an opportunity for NormaLeah Ovarian Cancer Initiative to thank their volunteers and supporters in addition to celebrating survivorship. All members of the public are welcome to attend the event to learn how to get involved in the fight against ovarian cancer and support loved ones battling with the disease.
All guests will have a chance to visit the new offices, receive discounts on NormaLeah’s Bling4Cancer awareness and fashion jewelry, enter in a drawing for door prizes and partake in hot cocoa and cookies provided by Olde Towne Bakery.
Tickets for the Quad City Storm Hockey Beats Cancer game on February 1 will be available for purchase, and bodices from NormaLeah’s girlpARTs project will also be on display and for sale.
For more information about Cocoa & Cookies, call NormaLeah’s offices at 309-794-0009 or email them.