Healing Strength

Healing Strength

Healing Strength

Artist: Ellie DeMay

Community Leader: Elizabeth Round

Location (2021): Genesis Health Group, Aledo

1007 NW 3rd Street



The torso sculpture of Elizabeth Dean (artist) evokes the feeling of an armored warrior but includes feminine touches to represent the feminine strength needed to overcome the fear involved with a cancer diagnosis. As a young woman, the artist underwent therapy for pre-cancerous cells on her cervix and has a history of ovarian cysts, resulting in a passion for ovarian cancer awareness for women of all ages.

Elizabeth Round (community leader) believes in the power of community when faced with a cancer diagnosis and hosts a local weekly design show for Village Home Stores. (Created in 2019)

Country Financial in Aledo is a supportive partner of NormaLeah and the benefactor of “Healing Strength”.

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Healing strength on board square
Healing strength on base square
Healing strength backsquare
Demay Healing Strength at Reception