Earlier Diagnosis = Better Prognosis
Ask questions, listen to your patients, assess their risks
You can make a difference in a patient’s survival with an early diagnosis – before the disease has progressed
Too often women don’t realize that their symptoms might indicate ovarian cancer. They are subtle, often advancing slowly and seem like minor annoyances that don’t warrant a conversation with a medical provider.
Ovarian cancer is often diagnosed in advanced stages when it is difficult to treat. Almost 75% of women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed in stages III and IV when the survival rate beyond five years is less than 50%. When diagnosed in early stages, there is a 92% chance for a cure.
With subtle symptoms that mimic many common conditions, ovarian cancer challenges medical professionals who desire an accurate and early diagnosis for their patients. Most women were never taught the symptoms or risks associated with this disease and often ignore or brush them off until it is too late.
It’s important to consider ovarian cancer in the differential diagnosis when testing for less life-threatening conditions such as IBS, UTIs and other gynecologic issues like menopause or ovarian cysts. Our RULE OUT! Ovarian Cancer Early Detection & Risk Reduction Project gives you the tools to identify high risk and symptomatic patients. So you can order the proper diagnostic tests and discuss risk reduction strategies with your patients.
An early and accurate diagnosis followed by a referral to a gynecologic specialist is the best way to partner with your patients for the best outcome. Treatment is very challenging and medical studies have shown significant survival advantages for patients under the care of a gynecologic oncologist.
Patient Education Materials
NormaLeah’s team of volunteers are on the street passing out educational materials to women so they can advocate for proper testing and care.
Our pre-screen questionnaire is a great way to open up a dialogue about ovarian cancer and helps you identify those who are symptomatic or at higher risk. More than 500,000 women have received BEAT the BIG O symptom cards with the early warnings signs and detection tests since 2011. We’re reaching out to breast cancer survivors with bookmarks through our BRCA Risk Outreach program.
We would love to send some to your office. Just click on the links below to order them.